Best practices for communicating your commitment to safety
We understand that effectively communicating your organization’s commitment to safety may not be something that keeps you up all night staring at the ceiling. (It may, in fact, be that cup of coffee you had after dinner). But if you’ve felt a nagging twinge that perhaps you could be doing a better job of conveying your organization’s commitment to safety and hygiene, we’re here to help you out and give you some ideas. Because that is the sort of thing that keeps us up all night.
As with most everything, moderation in messaging is probably a good rule of thumb. It’s probably not necessary to hire someone to stand on the nearby street corner flipping and spinning a large “We Are Committed to Cleanliness” sign in the air. In fact, if you’ve purchased some Sani-Up hand sanitizing stations and placed them in and around your store, your bar, restaurant, office, or school — you’re already well on your way to declaring your organization’s commitment to safety.

That said, you might consider doing a bit more. So, your next step can be to customize your Sani-Up stations with safety and cleanliness messaging accompanied by your company or company’s logo, school mascot, or a photo of your entire broadly smiling dental office team. Sani-Up even has sanitizing stations available with built-in sign boards that you can customize with your own and unique safety messaging.
You might even consider a small sign for the front window of your business that conveys how you are committed to the safety of all your customers, saying “We’re committed to your safety. Sani-Up Hand Sanitizing Stations inside”. Check out our Product pages for more ideas or to order your own customized messages for your business.

Social media messaging, local advertising, and your own website
Social media and your company website give you ample opportunity not only to show photos of your sanitizing stations and other safety measures throughout your operation, but also gives you the opportunity to message to your customers or visitors in more detail about your safety commitment.
For example, you could convey that your employees and staff have been trained on proper hand sanitizing and are ready to assist customers if asked; and that they are also committed to keep the restaurant, bar, office, store spotlessly clean, sanitized, and fresh throughout the day.
Your local advertising in circulars, bulk-mailed coupons, local newspapers, or even in online banner ads can also convey your company’s safety commitment. If there isn’t a lot of space in the ad or coupon to convey that, then a photo of your office or storefront with a noticeable Sani-Up sanitizing station could suffice. Or consider a similar message like the front store window option somewhere in the ad layout that proclaims: “We’re committed to your safety. Sani-Up Hand Sanitizing Stations on site.”

Employee Awareness.
To reinforce all this messaging, it’s critical that your employees or staff are aware of all of the efforts you and the organization have taken to communicate your safety commitment not just in the store, but throughout social media, your website, and in local advertising efforts. Your employees are on the front line of conveying this safety commitment and assuring your customers, visitors, or patients that they are in a consistently clean environment.
Now, you can have a good night’s sleep, knowing that you’ve made that extra effort!